What is diabetes ? A great introduction video on what is Diabetes?
( Also available in Urdu and Arabic)
Further support on eating well with Diabetes can be found here.
Finding out you have Diabetes can be a shock and you may feel lots of emotions. For support and guidance on your emotional health then please take a look at Diabetes UK page.
Diabetes UK helpline number is 0345 123 2399. It is a dedicated diabetes helpline for all people with diabetes, their family or friends, and people who are worried they might be at risk.
Their confidential helpline means you can talk to their highly trained advisors – they have counselling skills and an extensive knowledge of diabetes. They can provide information about the condition, take the time to talk things through and explore emotional, social, psychological or practical difficulties.
Here at the PCN we run various Diabetes clinics- to see why Diabetes should matter to you- please view our education video here
Living with pain
10 steps to living well with pain. Tools and resources to learn new skills for living well despite persistent pain.
Support for Menopause symptoms can be found here– This includes some useful videos.
Menopause Matters also has a host of useful information, including podcasts and peer support forums.
Menopause Support has lots of FREE downloadable resources including guides, symptom checklists and guides to treatment.

Mental Health Support in Luton
If you need support for your mental health then please seek help from a health professional, there is also a wide range of local and national services that can support and guide you.
24hr Mental health Crisis
Call NHS 111 option 2
Local Organisations
Supports local people to improve physical and emotional health
Tel: 0300 555 4152
Tel: 01582 380002
Samaritans Luton, South Beds and Harpenden
33 Cardiff Road,
Luton. Tel: 116 123
Bedfordshire and Luton Recovery College
Mental health recovery and wellbeing, courses and groups
Tel: 01234 263 621
Email: elft.recoverycollege@nhs.net
Nyabingi Luton
Nyabingi is a user-led self-help initiative run by and for people with mental
health problems from African and Caribbean backgrounds
Ashanti House
93b Marsh Road
Tel: 01582 560562
The Roshni Community Support Team works with adults from South Asian
backgrounds who are experiencing mental health difficulties.
Charter House
3rd Floor
Alma Street
Tel: 01582 708999
National Organisations
CALM (Campaign against living miserably)

The campaign against living miserably, or CALM, exists to prevent male suicide
in the UK
Tel: 0800 58 58 58

Tel: 0300 304 7000
Charity providing support if you have been diagnosed with an anxiety
Tel: 03444 775 774 (Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 10pm; Saturday to Sunday,
10am to 8pm)
Men’s Health Forum 24/7
stress support for men by text, chat and email
Tel: 0330 097 0654
Suicide prevention
Tel: 07715 311891
Email: contactus@theolliefoundation.org

Suicide prevention
Tel: 0800 068 4141
Text: 07860 039967

The Rethink Mental Illness advice and information service offers practical help
on a wide range of topics such as The Mental Health Act, community care,

Voluntary charity offering support for sufferers of panic attacks and obsessive
compulsive disorder (OCD).
Tel: 0844 967 4848 (daily, 10am to 10pm)
The mental health benefits of good sleep include boosting our mood, reducing stress and helping with anxiety.
If you’re having trouble sleeping, knowing how to sleep better can make a big difference.
Better health Every mind matters has lots of Tips for sleeping better